Law enforcement officers are welcome to take advantage of this free Friday-only training opportunity.
Once again, the Texas Association of Special Investigation Units (TASIU) is proud to offer 4 hours of FREE TCLEOSE-approved training in insurance fraud awareness and investigation to law enforcement officers during the TASIU 2009 Gulf Coast Insurance Fraud Seminar at the South Shore Resort & Conference Center on Clear Lake in League City, TX. The free 4-hour class will be taught by agents of the National Insurance Crime Bureau on Friday morning, May 1, 2009
Law enforcement officers are welcome to take advantage of this free Friday-only training opportunity or they may attend the full day and a half seminar beginning on Thursday, April 30, 2009 at a special law enforcement price. The full seminar will include a variety of antifraud topics focused on insurance fraud and will also cover overlap into other criminal activities, i.e. organized fraud and gang activity, legal aspects, fire, arson and now more than ever, how the economy has produced motivation and an environment ripe for fraud. For full seminar attendees, the keynote luncheon speaker on Thursday will be Harris County District Attorney, Judge Pat Lykos.
Seating for this free law enforcement training opportunity is limited so if interested, please RSVP at
TASIU is a non-profit organization and local chapter of the International Association of Special Investigation Units. Our membership is comprised of insurance fraud investigators employed by insurance companies, self-insured corporations, the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the Texas Department of Insurance, and local, state and federal law enforcement, along with claim professionals involved in or supporting insurance fraud investigations.