While figures from the Insurance Fraud Bureau confirmed there has been an 11% reduction in so-called "crash for cash" crimes on the roads of the UK there are concerns that fraudsters and crooks are targeting specific areas of the UK. The so-called "crash for cash" scam involves fraudsters and crooks staging a variety of traffic accidents often involving innocent drivers, which have resulted in significant insurance claims. A number of claims have been for upwards of £50,000 and without evidence of fraudulent activity many insurance companies have been forced to pay out.
However, surveillance systems such as those run by the Insurance Fraud Bureau are starting to have an impact with repeat offenders now under surveillance and significant claims being dismissed out of hand. One problem the authorities are having is the fact that even though they have been successful targeting a number of larger groups, when one gang closes down another one very quickly appears in its place. When you consider there are literally millions of pounds at stake it appears that many are willing to take the chance.
Aside from the fraud angle, the staging of these "innocent" motoring accidents has and continues to put lives at risk involving people who are totally innocent and unaware what is going on.