Issues with jail overcrowding and the high cost of prisoners has many counties turning for relief to alternative sentencing options.
Marion County recently received a $100,000 grant to begin developing a community corrections program.
Meanwhile, Taylor County undertook the large task of starting one last year.
Now that the Taylor County program has turned one year old, I spoke with the director and participants to find out more on the programs challenges and successes.
"I was a drug addict, and I had many years doing drugs. I found myself catching a breaking and entering charge. This was probably the worst thing in my life I've ever done, but maybe the best thing because its changed me 100%," said Daniel Allen Whetsell a participant in the Taylor County Community Corrections Program.
Daniel Whetsell can be described as nothing but a success story of the Taylor County Community Corrections Day Report Center.
After hitting what he describes as "rock bottom" in his life, he was sentenced to complete the community corrections program in lieu of jail.
"I was ready to make a change. It was time for me to grow up. I'm 26, I have a daughter and I was ready to better myself for her and myself," said Whetsell.
Going from drug addict and criminal to "ready for a change" does not happen overnight. That comes from the structured program Community Corrections Director Tammy Narog provides.
"On this program they have the opportunity to improve themselves and step down to probation or they can make some bad choices and they can go to jail," said Director Tammy Narog.
Only non-violent offenders who go through an extensive screening process by Judge Alan Moats are given the option of community corrections, which is stricter than probation but less intense than incarceration.
While the crimes vary, from embezzlement to petty larceny, almost all community corrections offenders have one thing in common:
"Probably I would estimate around 90% of the people that come into our program have some kind of drug or alcohol issues," said Narog.
To address those issues all offenders are required to attend substance abuse and AA meetings every week.
"First of all people need to understand that it is possible to lead a life in recovery, and I think a lot of people come into this program and think 'that's just not possible for me I've tried too many times, failed too many times, it's not going to happen for me," said Community Corrections Counselor Valerie Corley.
Besides therapy, program participants lead a very structured life. There are educational (GED) classes, parenting and anger management sessions, employment services and a lot of community service.
The participants have worked on everything from restoring historical buildings in Grafton, cleaning up parks, working at Tygart Dam, and washing police cars and fire trucks.
"And when they are not in treatment, when they are not doing community service, when not participating in educational programs, they are confined to their house," said Narog.
But Narog says structure is often what these offenders need.
Joshua and Tonya Shipp were sentenced to the program for conspiracy to commit insurance fraud.
After just five months of the program, they too are on the path to success.
"You get a lot of things done that you never even... like a GED. I never even thought of getting a GED before I got put on this program," said Tonya Shipp.
"We also have full time employment," said Joshua Shipp. "It's my first job ever!," said Tonya.
Daniel Whetsell also works two jobs and just recently opened his own lawn care company called Gettochild Lawn Care.
"I started a lawn care company in this town and I'm up to about 15 customers so far," said Whetsell.
Nagrog says she's proud of the progress many have made.
"I've had some wonderful success stories," she said.
And she hopes many of the people in her program will continue their success even after they graduate.
"I will never go back to my old life," said Whetsell.
There are currently 130 people on the Taylor County Community Corrections program and it really takes the cooperation of everyone in the county, from law enforcement to businesses willing to hire the offenders, to make the program work.
Officials say its worth it because from January to May 2009, the community corrections program has saved Taylor county, and its taxpayers, $125,000.
Karen Kiley
West Virginia Media