Insurance fraud has soared 24% in the past two years and is adding an average £44 a year to British households' insurance bills.
An estimated £1.9bn of fraudulent general insurance claims go undetected a year, up from £1.6bn two years ago, said a report from the Association of British Insurers. That equates to £5.2m every day.
One woman claimed for the theft of her camper van even though it was written off a decade ago.
Popular scams included withholding information about speeding fines, listing an incorrect address for car insurance or listing a parent as the main driver of a vehicle that was actually used mainly by their child - something that gained much coverage after being highlighted in an episode of BBC's Top Gear last month.
The ABI said insurers were fighting back and detecting more of fraud.
Nick Starling, director of general insurance and health for the trade body, said: 'There is no hiding place for insurance cheats.'