Drivers are being encouraged to fight fake accident cheats. Savvy motorists who keep their eyes open and are ready to react could help tackle the growing problem of crash-for cash accidents.
These staged accidents, where an innocent driver is forced to smash into a vehicle used by fraudsters, are a frightening menace.
By padding out claims with fictitious passengers, dubious injuries and fake repair costs, each shunt can be inflated into a lucrative pay day - as much as £50,000 in some cases.
While the chances of being involved in a staged accident are still low, insurers say it is a growing problem. Susan Jones, head of the investigations unit at the Insurance Fraud Bureau, says: 'We believe there are about 30,000 incidents reported to insurers every year that relate to staged, invented or induced accidents.'
As Financial Mail reported last month, bogus claims add about £40 to the annual insurance bill of the typical motorist.
There have been successes. The IFB reports an 11 per cent reduction in the estimated number of incidents over the past two years. But drivers can do their bit to fight back. Insurers are trying to raise awareness of the problem.
Pete Markey, spokesman for insurer More Than, says: 'If more drivers are aware of the dangers, it becomes more likely that they will be able to report anything unusual.'
Many staged crashes take place at busy roundabouts and motorway slip roads and there are some common warning signs.
Take extra care: Crooks know your attention will be split between the road ahead and traffic approaching from other angles. You may find that the car in front has not proceeded in the way that you expected.
Be aware: Gangs may use several vehicles with one following behind that tries to bump your car into the vehicle. Other drivers may be following who act as
Defensive driving trainer Dave Bertie says: 'Use all three mirrors to be alive to what is going on around you. Double the frequency of your checks as you approach a junction or slip road.'
Keep your distance: In these situations the driver in front may brake suddenly. Crooks sometimes disconnect brake lights, making it harder for you to stop in time. Be wary of over-helpful witnesses: If witnesses appear quickly, they may be a part of the act.
Andy Buck, fraud manager at insurer Aviva, says: 'Our fraud detection methods have evolved to close down organised accident gangs more quickly, but with the help of the public and honest policyholders we can do even more.'
The Insurance Fraud Bureau has a checklist to follow:
* Do not admit blame or say anything other than 'it is a matter for our insurance companies'. If anyone is injured, call police.
* The other vehicle is crucial, so note down a basic description. Check how many passengers are in the other vehicle and note their descriptions.
* If possible, take pictures of the accident scene, damage to other vehicles and, if you can do so without inflaming the situation, of the other driver or passengers.
* Be wary of companies that contact you quickly and out of the blue, offering to repair your car or provide a replacement vehicle.
* Share your suspicions with your insurer as soon as possible. If you think there has been fraud, call the Insurance Fraud Bureau Cheatline on 0800 328 2550.
Defensive driving is the best protection
The isolated highways of Africa are a world away from Britain's congested roads, but defensive driving skills that have been developed there might come in handy when you pop to the supermarket.
The techniques are used to keep workers safe from kidnap in danger spots.
Dave Bertie, a former Special Forces soldier and close protection officer with 28 years in government service, trains drivers in Nigeria to keep their VIP passengers safe from attack. More Than arranged for Bertie to put me through my paces.
Part of the trick to staying safe is understanding the capabilities of your vehicle.
Bertie, who is based in Shropshire but runs training courses in high-risk locations, says: 'A modern car can do a lot more than you think. The average driver will reach their personal limit long before they reach the limit of the car.'
He demonstrates the point by revving the Vauxhall Astra test car up to 60 mph then throwing the steering wheel hard to the left while jamming on the brakes.
It is the sort of action that most of us would not dare to try, expecting the car to flip over. In fact, the standard diesel Astra simply screeches to a halt in a curve of about eight car lengths.
On my first attempt, I take twice as long to stop, because I am being too tentative on the brakes. 'You should be standing on the brakes, lifting yourself out of the seat,' Bertie says.
Building confidence in your car allows you to react more assertively in a crisis.
Bertie's next lesson is the emergency lane change, cutting between two lanes to avoid an obstacle or another car that has stopped suddenly.
He says I should ignore any thought of braking, but instead concentrate on a sharp flick of the wheel, right then left, to steer through cones and swerve safely around an imaginary obstruction.
On my first attempt, the cones go flying. But after some practice, the car is sliding safely between cones just six paces apart at speeds of more than 40 mph.
In real life, such a move might help avoid a car stopped by crooks hoping to stage an accident.